
React Hook used to retrieve the Provider for a given store.

This hook returns a wrapper component you can use to provide your application with a store.

  model: IAnyModelType,
  identifier?: any
): Provider


  • model IAnyModelType

    The mobx-state-tree model you want to provide.

  • identifier (optional) any

    A unique identifier that tells mobx-store-provider which store you want the Provider for.

    See: When is using an identifier useful?


This is the AppStore model/store used with the examples below:

// AppStore.js
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree";

const appStoreId = "AppStore";
const AppStore = types.model({
  user: types.maybe(types.string),

export { AppStore, appStoreId };

Basic example

We call the useProvider hook to retrieve a Provider component. This lets us share the appStore with the rest of the application.

import React from "react";
import { useProvider } from "mobx-store-provider";

// Import the AppStore and create it
import AppStore from "./AppStore";
const appStore = AppStore.create();

function App() {
  // Get the Provider via the useProvider hook
  const Provider = useProvider(AppStore);

  // Wrap the application with the Provider, passing the appStore as a value
  return (
    <Provider value={appStore}>
      <MyComponents />

export default App;

This supplies the appStore to its descendants, allowing us to access it using the useStore hook in an inner component.

Note that since we didn’t create the appStore inside of the component we did not use the useCreateStore hook (that is only necessary when instantiating a store from within a React Function Component).

Using an identifier

You can also use a unique identifier to tell mobx-store-provider which store you want the Provider for.

This is necessary when you have more than one store in an application.

// App.jsx
import React from "react";
import { useProvider } from "mobx-store-provider";

// Import both the store and the id
import { AppStore, appStoreId } from "./AppStore";

const appStore = AppStore.create();

function App() {
  // use the id when getting the Provider
  const Provider = useProvider(AppStore, appStoreId);
  return (
    <Provider value={appStore}>
      <MyComponents />

export default App;

In the code above, we pass appStoreId to the useProvider hook, the Provider component it returns will work for that particular identifier (appStoreId).

We can then wrap our application with that Provider and pass it the appStore as its value. This supplies the appStore to its descendants allowing us to access it using that unique identifier passed to the useStore hook in an inner component.

When is using an identifier useful?

When your application needs more than one instance of the same store. In that situation a unique identifier must be used to identify which one your application is providing/requesting.

For more information on multiple stores, see: Multiple stores

Next: useCreateStore