Multiple stores

You may have a need to instantiate multiple stores/models (of the same type) for your particular application. mobx-store-provider supports this use case via a unique identifier you can pass into the useProvider and useStore hooks.

This optional value tells mobx-store-provider which store you want to use based on the unique identifier you pass to it.


In the App component, we create both Doug and Kevin, which are then provided to the rest of the application via their respective Provider.

// App.jsx
import React from "react";
import { useProvider, useCreateStore } from "mobx-store-provider";
import { PersonStore, dougId, kevinId } from "./stores";
import PersonDisplay from "./PersonDisplay";

function App() {
  const doug = useCreateStore(PersonStore, { name: "Doug" });
  const DougProvider = useProvider(PersonStore, dougId);

  const kevin = useCreateStore(PersonStore, { name: "Kevin" });
  const KevinProvider = useProvider(PersonStore, kevinId);

  return (
    <DougProvider value={doug}>
      <KevinProvider value={kevin}>
        <PersonDisplay />

export default App;

Note that each Provider must be retrieved using its own identifier.

In the PersonDisplay component we get each store with the useStore hook, making sure to pass the same identifier used when retreiving their respective Provider:

// PersonDisplay.jsx
import React from "react";
import { useStore } from "mobx-store-provider";
import { PersonStore, dougId, kevinId } from "./stores";

function PersonDisplay() {
  const doug = useStore(PersonStore, dougId);
  const kevin = useStore(PersonStore, kevinId);
  return (
      {} and {} are here.

export default PersonDisplay;

To keep things clean in this example we define the PersonStore and the identifiers in a separate module.

// stores.js
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree";

const PersonStore = types.model({
  name: types.string,

const dougId = "doug";
const kevinId = "kevin";

export { PersonStore, dougId, kevinId };

Next: Local state