
You can test an app that uses mobx-store-provider like any other React application.

Here are a few examples using Jest and react-testing-library.

// UserForm.tests.jsx
import { getByTestId, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/dom";
import { render } from "@testing-library/react";
import "@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect";
import React from "react";
import { useProvider } from "mobx-store-provider";

import AppStore from "./AppStore";
import UserForm from "./UserForm";

function getTestContainer(children, mockStore) {
  const Provider = useProvider(AppStore);
  return render(<Provider value={mockStore}>{children}</Provider>).container;

describe("UserForm tests", () => {
  test("The form loads correctly", () => {
    const mockState = { name: "Superman" };
    const mockStore = AppStore.create(mockState);
    const container = getTestContainer(<UserForm />, mockStore);
    expect(queryByTestId(container, "input")).toBeInTheDocument();
    expect(queryByTestId(container, "button")).toBeInTheDocument();
    expect(getByTestId(container, "button")).toHaveValue(mockState.name);

  test("When the name changes the store gets updated", () => {
    const mockState = { name: "Superman" };
    const mockStore = AppStore.create(mockState);
    const container = getTestContainer(<UserForm />, mockStore);
    const input = getByTestId(container, "input");
    const testName = "Spiderman";
    fireEvent.change(input, {
      target: { value: testName },

  test("When I click the button, the form submit action is triggered", () => {
    const mockStore = AppStore.create();
    const submit = jest.fn();
    Object.defineProperty(mockStore, "submit", {
      value: submit,
    const container = getTestContainer(<UserForm />, mockStore);
    fireEvent.click(queryByTestId(container, "button"));

Below is the component we are testing.

A typical HTML form with a text field and a submit button. In the tests above we are able to test the full functionality of the form, including submission.

// UserForm.jsx (The component we want to test)
import React from "react";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import { useStore } from "mobx-store-provider";
import AppStore from "./AppStore";

function UserForm() {
  const store = useStore(AppStore);
  return (
    <form onSubmit={store.submit}>
      <button type="submit" data-testid="button">

export default observer(UserForm);

It is important to note that by testing the form and its submit action above, we are testing the AppStore and its actions as well.

You can of course create tests for the store by itself, independent of the component it is used in.

// AppStore.js (Our main/root mobx-state-tree store/model)
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree";

const AppStore = types
    name: types.optional(types.string, "Batman"),
  .actions((self) => ({
    changeName(event) {
      self.name = event.target.value;
    submit() {
      console.info(`Submitted: ${self.name}`);

export default AppStore;

Next: Motivation