Upgrading from 1.x to 2.x

The biggest change to v2.x of mobx-store-provider is the addition of automatic type inference.

What does that mean?

In previous (pre 2.x) versions of mobx-store-provider you would have to explicitely define the interface for your stores/models in order to take advantage of typescript during development (type hinting, validation, etc). This is the standard way it is handled in mobx-state-tree applications.

As of version 2.0 of mobx-store-provider your type definitions are correctly inferred for you.

To explain the API changes from 1.x to 2.x, please see the following examples:

Old v1.x API

import { types, Instance } from "mobx-state-tree";
import AppStore from "./AppStore";

export const AppStore = types.model({
  user: types.optional(types.string, ""),

// First we have to explicitly define the interface for AppStore
interface IAppStore extends Instance<typeof AppStore> {}

function UserDisplay() {
   * Then we have to explicitly tell typescript what type of object this is
   * using the previously extended interface we created for this store.
  const appStore: IAppStore = useStore();
   * The following will not compile, it will cause a typescript error
   * because `foobar` is not a property of an `AppStore`
  return <div>{appStore.foobar}</div>;

New v2.x API

When using v2.x of mobx-store-provider and later, the type is correctly extended and inferred for you whenever you call useCreateStore or useStore:

import { types } from "mobx-state-tree";
import AppStore from "./AppStore";

const AppStore = types.model({
  user: types.optional(types.string, ""),

function UserDisplay() {
   * We give the store definition to useStore.
   * Using that, mobx-store-provider correctly infers the type for us.
  const appStore = useStore(AppStore);
   * The following will not compile, it will cause a typescript error
   * because `foobar` is not a property of an `AppStore`
  return <div>{appStore.foobar}</div>;

The major API difference in version >=2.x is that you provide the store definition to both useCreateStore and useStore. This makes it unnecessary to explicitly define the interface for the model as it is inferred for you, making your code more concise and easier to maintain.

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