Local state

How should I handle local state? Should I use this for my small component too?

  • Answer:

    Maybe, it depends.

  • Here are some possible scenarios and my suggestions:

    1. Does my state have a lot of related business logic?

      If so, I would use mobx-store-provider for local state.

    2. Is it likely I will want to pull this logic out of this component?

      If so, I would use mobx-store-provider for local state.

    3. Is my state basic and has little related logic?

      If so, I would use React useState.


The following shows an example of local state with mobx-store-provider:

import React from "react";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree";
import { useCreateStore } from "mobx-store-provider";

function PetComponent() {
  const pet = useCreateStore(
        name: "Rusty",
        type: "Dog",
      .actions((self) => ({
        action() {
  return (
      {pet.name} is a {pet.type}
      <button onClick={pet.action}>Make noise</button>

export default observer(PetComponent);

With a more complex component (ie: one that has child components itself) you might want to supply its descendants with this store, you can of course do so using another useProvider hook.

Just remember that if you end up using multiple stores, they must be provided and retreived using their respective unique identifier. For more information see multiple stores.

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