
The standard way types are handled in mobx-state-tree applications is by explicitly defining your types via extending the Instance interface provided by mobx-state-tree.

With mobx-store-provider you do not have to do this, your type definitions are inferred for you:

import { types } from "mobx-state-tree";

// Define the AppStore
const AppStore = types.model({
  user: types.optional(types.string, ""),

// This is a component which uses the AppStore
function UserDisplay() {
  // With this declaration, mobx-store-provider correctly infers the type for AppStore
  const appStore = useStore(AppStore);

   * The following will not compile, it will cause a typescript error
   * because `foobar` is not a property of an `AppStore`
  return <div>{appStore.foobar}</div>;

Next: Testing